What to Look for in Dog-Friendly, Privacy, and Pool Fences

Red Cedar Wood Privacy Fence

In many communities around the U.S., palisade aluminum fences are a popular option for keeping a yard enclosed without obstructing the overall view. In Alaska, though, the local moose population is running into trouble with the gothic-style fences. The moose are, in fact, not just running into the fences — they’re getting caught right on top of them.

According to Anchorage Daily News, one to two moose are killed annually thanks to the spear-tipped outdoor fences. The Planning and Zoning Commission is currently reviewing new rules regarding these fences, in order to keep the moose safe.

Although fences might not be friends to moose in Alaska, throughout most of the rest of the U.S., they provide a valuable safety, security, and privacy option with no greater risk than having to repaint or re-stain the finish every few years. That isn’t to say, though, that every fence type is great for every family. Certain fences are ideal for different needs. What type of fence should you be looking for? Here are a few things you should keep in mind.

Dog-Friendly Fences

Understanding Dog Behavior and Anxiety

Dogs are naturally curious and territorial animals. When they see people or other animals passing by their territory, their instinctive response can be to investigate or protect. However, if they’re confined and unable to satisfy this curiosity, it can lead to frustration, anxiety, or stress. This is particularly true for breeds that are more prone to anxiety or have high energy levels.

Choosing the Right Material for Fences

Solid fences, like wood fences or vinyl fences, offer a visual barrier that can help reduce a dog’s anxiety by blocking the view of passersby. These materials also provide durability and can withstand various weather conditions. However, the choice of material should also consider factors like the local climate, maintenance requirements, and aesthetic preferences.

Preventing Escape Tactics

Larger dog breeds or those with high jumping ability can easily clear fences that are too low. A four-foot fence might be sufficient for smaller breeds, but for larger dogs, a six-foot fence might be more appropriate. This height can deter dogs from attempting to jump over and also provides added security against external threats.

Dogs can be quite resourceful in finding ways to escape. Ensuring the fence is far enough from objects like tables, chairs, or sheds is crucial as these can be used as stepping stones to jump over the fence. Additionally, the base of the fence should be secure to prevent dogs from digging underneath. For digger dogs, consider installing an L-footer along the bottom of the fence.

If you want to see more options, check out our pet fences!

Pool Fences

Compliance with Local Laws and Ordinances

The first and foremost consideration is adherence to local regulations. These laws are designed to ensure safety around pool areas. Different cities or municipalities may have specific requirements regarding fence height, the size of gaps in the fence, the type of locking mechanisms, and even the materials used. Researching and understanding these local guidelines is crucial before making any decisions.

Self-Latching and Self-Closing Gates

Most safety regulations mandate that pool fences have self-latching and self-closing gates. This feature is essential to prevent accidental access to the pool area by children or pets when the area is unsupervised. The latch should be placed high enough to be out of reach of young children.

Fence Height Requirements

Typically, pool fences should be at least 4 feet high, but some areas may require taller fences for increased safety. A higher fence can provide better security and deter potential trespassers.

Picket Gap and Design Considerations

The gap between the pickets of the fence should be small enough to prevent children from squeezing through. Additionally, the design should not provide easy footholds or handholds for climbing. A smooth, climb-resistant design is recommended.

Visibility and Supervision

While security is paramount, the fence design should also allow for clear visibility of the pool area from the house or other common areas. This ensures that adults can easily supervise children or guests in the pool.

If you want to see more on pool fence options, check out our pool fences page!

Small Privacy Fences

Purpose and Privacy Level

The primary purpose of a privacy fence is to create a secluded space, especially in smaller backyards. The height and design of the fence should be chosen based on how much privacy you desire. Solid fences with no gaps are ideal for maximum privacy.

Material Selection

While wooden fences are popular due to their natural look and ability to blend with the surroundings, they require regular maintenance. Vinyl fences, on the other hand, offer a low-maintenance alternative and can mimic the look of wood. Other materials like composite, bamboo, or metal might also be considered based on aesthetic preferences and durability.

Size and Scale

In a small backyard, the scale of the fence is important. A very tall fence might feel overwhelming in a small space. It’s important to balance privacy needs with creating an open, inviting atmosphere.

Design and Aesthetics

The design of the fence should complement the architecture of your home and the existing landscaping. The style, color, and texture should harmonize with the overall aesthetic of your property. For smaller yards, consider designs that add a sense of depth or openness, like lattice top sections.

Want to learn more about our privacy fences? Check out our privacy fence page!

Would you use aluminum, vinyl or wooden fences in your backyard? Contact the best fence company in the nation to learn more.

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Dog Fences To Discourage Roaming Pooches

What’s the Right Fence Height?

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